Does sex cause the contraceptive ring to shift?

         A very small number of women have a ring displacement after wearing an IUD, which affects the contraceptive effect.

   So, is this related to sex? To understand this problem, it is necessary to understand the design characteristics of the contraceptive ring, followed by changes in uterine dynamics and sexual activity, as well as the relationship between the choice of ring size and ring displacement.

   The shape of the uterus is an inverted pear shape, and the uterine cavity is an inverted triangle, but this shape will be affected by the movement of the uterus and change. The myometrium presents periodic segmental contraction. During menstruation, the upper part of the fundus of the uterus contracts and the lower part relaxes, making the triangle in the uterine cavity smaller. In the middle of two menstrual periods (ovulation period), the opposite is true, making the uterine cavity enlarged. In view of the above reasons, in the selection of materials for intrauterine contraceptive devices, materials with good elasticity are generally selected as stents, and various contraceptive rings suitable for the uterine cavity are made according to the characteristics of the uterine cavity. Because the contraceptive ring can adapt to the shape of the uterine cavity and has certain elasticity, it can better adapt to the changes of the uterine cavity and the movement of the uterus. The movement of the uterus is also obvious during sex. During sex, especially during sexual excitement, due to the involuntary contraction of uterine smooth muscle, the uterus that usually falls at the bottom of the pelvic cavity is completely raised, and the pudendal muscles and uterine muscles contract rhythmically, the uterine opening is slightly opened, and the uterine cavity is small when it is small. .

       In this regard, most women are not aware of this, and only have a vague and extensive pleasant sensation in the uterine area, and a few women can feel the uterine contraction. Under normal circumstances, the uterine rhythmic contraction caused by the cyclical movement of the uterus and normal sexual life, because the stent of the IUD is elastic and can adapt to the change of the uterine cavity, therefore, it will not cause the ring to shift, even in the uterine contraction When the contraceptive ring has dropped, it will be reset due to its elasticity. The reason for ring displacement is mostly improper selection of ring number. Intrauterine displacement is often caused by small ring number and large uterine cavity. When the myometrium moves, the ring can move down. The ring ectopic is mostly because the ring number is too large. When the myometrium moves, the ring can damage the endometrium and muscle layer, and perforation occurs over time. To sum up, as long as the size and shape of the ring are selected appropriately, the movement of the myometrium, including the rhythmic contraction of the uterus caused by sexual life, will not cause the ring to shift. Only a few patients with improper ring numbers will be treated. The ring position has an impact, so attention should be paid.

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