Indications and contraindications for IUD placement

Indications: Married women of childbearing age require placement without contraindications.


(1) Pregnancy or suspicious pregnancy.

(2) Inflammation of the reproductive organs, such as acute and chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, acute cervicitis, severe cervical erosion and sexually transmitted diseases.

(3) Frequent menstruation, excessive menstruation or irregular vaginal bleeding within three months.

(4) The internal orifice of the cervix is too loose or severely torn or severely stenosis, and the uterus prolapses above second degree.

(5) Deformities of reproductive organs, such as uterine mediastinum, double uterus, and bicornuate uterus.

(6) A history of copper allergy.

(7) Use with caution if you have a history of ectopic pregnancy.

(8) The uterine cavity is smaller than 5.5 cm or larger than 9 cm (except during abortion and those with a history of cesarean section).

(9) After the artificial abortion, the uterine contraction is poor, the bleeding is much, there may be residual pregnancy tissues or the possibility of infection.

(10) Potential infection or bleeding may occur when the placenta is placed during delivery or cesarean section, such as premature rupture of membranes, prenatal hemorrhage, polyhydramnios, or history of twins.

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