Will it hurt after giving birth?

Copper-containing intrauterine device (commonly known as the birth control ring) intrauterine birth control system, as long as you have a better understanding of their placement and removal process, you will not be afraid to put the birth control ring because of pain.

The main discomforts of placing the contraceptive ring are as follows: during the process of placing the contraceptive ring, when the contraceptive ring passes through the cervix, the cervical canal may be expanded and the cervical canal may feel sore, but the actual placement process can be completed in a few seconds, so there is no need to overdo it worry. Before entering the uterine cavity, the Anshu ring is closed together in the cannula. During the placement process, the diameter when passing through the cervix is less than 5 mm, which is smaller than most ordinary rings, so there is no need to dilate the uterus and the operation is easier , Most women will only feel mild discomfort when placed.

Some birth control rings are painful when they are taken out because they have been placed for a long time. Part of the ring may be embedded in the myometrium or the ring may be deformed.

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