Contraceptive methods can affect various metabolisms in the body. How should women with chronic diseases choose?

      Most women with hypertension tend to increase their systolic blood pressure by 1-2 mmHg after taking a combination of estrogen and progesterone contraceptives for one year. Some women do not have high blood pressure when they are young, but after entering middle age, they develop high blood pressure or tend to have high blood pressure, especially women who are obese. For women in this situation, it is best not to use oral contraceptives, but to use intrauterine devices or vaginal diaphragms.

       Contraceptives for chronic liver disease contain sex hormones, and sex hormones are metabolized in the liver. In this way, oral contraceptives can increase the burden on the liver, especially preparations containing estrogen. Therefore, people who have liver damage should avoid using contraceptives, and use intrauterine contraceptive devices and other contraceptives.

       Uterine fibroids can increase the size of fibroids during pregnancy or oral estrogen. Therefore, patients with uterine fibroids should not use oral contraceptives and may wish to use vaginal diaphragms and other contraceptives.

        Inflammation of pelvic organs People who have chronic inflammation of pelvic organs, especially those who have frequent attacks, should not use the intrauterine device, because the intrauterine device can induce inflammation.

       Other women with local pigmentation tendencies can use estrogen-free contraceptives or intrauterine contraceptive devices, because estrogen can sometimes cause complications such as melasma, lupus erythematosus-like rash, and aggravate pigmentation. In people with menstrual psychosis, the onset time is often consistent with the menstrual cycle. This kind of patients has unsatisfactory efficacy with general antipsychotic drugs, which may be related to the fluctuation of sex hormones. If you use oral contraceptives, you can inhibit ovulation and prevent the recurrence of mental illness.

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